Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.

  • 1. Search and browse through any online store using the Sortd in-app shopping browser. Alternatively, you can share any item with the Sortd app from wherever you’re browsing, whether it’s Safari, TikTok, Instagram, you name it!

    2. Save any items you like using the ‘Save to Wishlist’ button and categorise them into lists.

    3. Revisit your lists at any time to compare your options and decide what to buy. You can checkout directly from the Sortd app.

    For instructions on how to use the app, check out the ‘How it works’ page.

  • Yes, Sortd is a free shopping app.

  • Yes, you can easily share lists with your family and friends by tapping the ‘Share’ icon on the top right of your lists page in the Sortd app.

  • Saving an item is easy. Simply visit the online store of your choice, locate the item you like and click the ‘Save to Wishlist’ button on the bottom right of the screen.

  • Yes, you can save items to Sortd from Instagram, Safari, Tiktok or any of your favourite online shopping apps. Simply tap the share button or the 3 vertical dots and select the Sortd icon. This will open the app where you can save and continue shopping as usual.

    Cant find the Sortd icon? Follow these steps:

    Step 1: Tap the Share button or the 3 vertical dots

    Step 2: Scroll to the right and tap ‘More’

    Step 3: Click Edit and add ‘Sortd’ to your favourites

  • Click the ‘Buy’ button underneath the item you wish to purchase. This will redirect you to the host site. You can buy from any online store!

  • You can remove an item from your wishlist by using the ... on the top right of every list or by opening an item and selecting ‘Delete’.

  • There is no limit to the number of items you can add to your wishlist.

  • Yes, you can create multiple wishlists to keep track of different types of items, such as clothing, homewares, electronics or anything else your heart desires.

  • Currently, Sortd is only supported on iOS iPhone.

  • Yes! You heard that right. Any. Online. Store.

  • While we try our best to ensure all information is displayed correctly, sometimes the image, price or description can appear incorrectly. If this happens to you, please contact us and we will do our best to rectify it for you!

  • You can only view another person's list if they have invited you to do so.

  • Yes, by selecting ‘Bookmark’ icon on the top of any curated list. This will save in a folder under the ‘Bookmarked’ section on the wishlist page.

Still have questions?

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